Want to take a selfie ... Think again
So, depending where you are in the world right now, I hope your weather is not as dark and dreary as ours! It's muggy, hot, and rainy out today, so what better way to spend it, then working with something that can brighten your day! But first!!!

Story Time!!!!
Before making the leap to do this full time, I worked in retail for 15+yrs, and I'm going to tell you why a great Headshot is so important. I worked for one of the Big Box retail stores in my town and one day, one of the corporate ideas was to have all store managers have their photo taken so that customers would know who the big guy was, taking care of this place. These images would be plastered everywhere in the store! By the cashes, hanging from the ceiling, even in the washrooms!
The big day came for all of these new images to be put up throughout the store, not a lot of people noticed at first, but as the days, weeks and months went on, customers would come to me and ask, "who is this person that has their face plastered all throughout the store" It seemed like an odd question at the time, but as more and more customers asked, I began to see why, and a few of them told me out right what was wrong with them.
These images where not done professionally... at all... I mean they looked like they were a "selfie" (ouch such a hard word for me) Not only did they look like a "selfie"(gut punch) but they made the person look un approachable, scary almost and some people thought it was a wanted poster for crime stoppers!
Here is the crazy part. it was a "selfie"(there it is again) and trust me, it wasn't flattering and this person knew that and so did the customers, which when you think about it, should be the people you are trying to impress. At the end of the day they regretted not having their image taken professionally, and it's something that could never be un done until a new person came along to replace those images.
So you've read my story, lets now talk about what made Jane's sesion so amazing!
Who says headshoots need to be boring? or Plain? or just no fun at all? Well we don't. Headshots are all about you, and caprturing who you are and what you do. This can't be done by just anyone. It takes a certain personality to truly help you get those moments that really capture who you are and what you do!
We had Jane Wood from "It's For Your Life" come by for a fun and energetic shoot. Jane is a wonderful person to be around and she gives off this amazing energy that radiats off her.

Look at Janes images, they look fun right! Can you tell that she enjoys what she does! Thats what a great headshot session is all about. Your enjoying your time. Getting images that any potential customer can tell who you are just from looking at that image, and as we know, first imprsions are everything and in this day and age, online is where they will find you.
So don't YOU think the first images they see of you look profesional?
Contact us today to book your Headshot Sessoin and get images that you would be proud to show your customers!
And dont forget to like us on Facebook.
Thanks for reading!