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June 1st is here! ...What's it all about

Well it's June 1st, are you as excited as I am? Wait do you even know why I'm excited?

If you have been following us over the last few weeks, and even the past 5 months, I have been talking a lot about new and exciting things. We hosted a photography workshop that was very successful! (With the help of my partners in crime), we've expanded our business to include much more and the list kinda goes on and on, but that's not why your here today. YOU want to know why today is so awesome for us.

Today we can finally announce the brand new "Ottawa Valley Studios". That's right, we now have a full blown photo studio located in Downtown Pembroke! This is a shared studio space (around 1100sq ft) that we (B and R Photography and Design / Bold and Radiant), Brian (Brian T Walters Photography) and John (John A Butler) have come together to create a space that not only us as photographers can use, but we will be making it available to other photographers as well. <--- More on that later!

I can say that it has been one of the most challenging endeavors I have been up against. Finding the right price, finding a good location and finding a space that can suite our needs as well as others. For 4 months I looked with the help of Brian now and again and then finally in April, by chance we found "the spot"

I can't explain in words how excited we are (nor can my kids as they get there basement back) to be able to offer this amazing space to our clients as well as our peers and photographers.

Some of the great things that come with this news is:

- When we host workshops, classes, events... they will be done at Ottawa Valley Studios

- A dedicated space for our equipment! No more lugging all that lighting around :-)

-More options for our creativity/ides as with the combination of the 3 of our amassed collection of props, backdrops ect.

-Finally there will be a place for other photographers who may not have the space, or tools to try new things or do a shoot! Everything we have in the studio will be available for you as we will have rental options for 1 hr, 4hr and full day rentals!

We were really hoping to have photos of the inside all finished up to share, but as the space is being customized for our needs the space is not 100% done yet (Its missing its kitchen and bathroom still. lol) But here are a few of it under construction, so enjoy!!!!


We want to thank everyone who has helped over the past few months to get us where we are today! Especially my wife Kim for sticking with me during this transition to a full time photographer!

And I can't forget Brian and John for sharing the passion to bring something like this to life, our new baby!

So with all that said, thank you for being so excited to hear what the big deal was and as we start this new adventure get ready for even more cool things!!!!


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